We provide
creative and value-added solutions for all your needs!
Technical Sales, Marketing and Business Development Projects
What makes our model work, is we leverage the ability and capacity of a professional sales manager among a group of businesses in a shared sales manager model. Most small businesses don’t require a full-time sales manager, and most professional sales managers are looking for a challenge larger than leading one small sales team. Our model has created the challenge for the sales manager by managing multiple teams. That manager then provides the sales leadership a small business needs to grow to their potential at an affordable cost. It’s not much different than what happens at corporations with one manager leading several teams in different locations.
Sales Management Approach
When you hire us we become part of your team. We work with you and your management team as well as the salespeople. The process is dynamic, and sales activity will not be negatively affected as we implement new strategies, process, and systems. Our aim is twofold as we work. While we focus on making early sales increases, our long-term play is to build a sales department that has a winning culture, with systems that support sustainable growth.

Our Happy Clients
Some companies that work with the companies we provide consultancy